Welcome to my world!

I've developed a passion for cooking since childhood, but in the past six years, that passion has grown into a geeky obsession. I love cooking, baking, and most importantly, sharing the love of food with family and friends. I invite you along on my journey of food discovery and passion.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Magazine Management - recipe organizing

I talked in a prior post about figuring out how many recipes I can clip in a month and finding a way to manage them and not just keep accumulating piles of recipes. 

http://www.target.com/   At my local Tar-jay (aka Target) , I browsed the school supplies aisle and came across an accordion folder that fits my criteria - enough space to fit a month's worth of recipes, organize the ones to try by month, and have extra space at the back for the recipes I've tried and have to "evaluate."  Sound complicated?  Not really.  Here's a picture of the organizer:

Best $5 way to organize recipes
For about 5 bucks, I now have an organizer that takes up 1/2 inch of space on my shelf, lets me sort recipes by the season and month in which to try them, and store the ones I tried at the back.  So here's how I'm doing so far:

Month 1/2 - Clipping crazy
I manage to clip recipes from five different magazines (yes, I think there should be a support group), and because my cookbooks and recipes are threatening to take over the pantry shelves, I have to do something.  At the end of September/beginning of October, I've perused the magazines and clipped out the recipes I want.  I throw the recipes into the "October" tab after grabbing ones I want to make for the week.

I wrote in my last post about a complicated formula for figuring out the number of recipes I can clip.  Before I sorted them into the folder, I divided them into categories - lunches, breakfasts, dinners, and miscellaneous.  I counted them since I'm not making 30 dinners in 30 days - a girl's gotta have a night out sometime - and since I came in at a realistic number of recipes, I paper clipped them in categorized bundles.

I pulled out recipes for the week, cooked them, and filed the ones I made and considered worthy of considering keeping.  End of the month, I can review the recipes and my notes to figure out what goes in my permanent collection.  Now that's another whole series! :)

Back to cooking!  Coming up next... homemade lasagna with from scratch pasta, ricotta, and tomato sauce!

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